Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Our Hamsters...

So I've spent the last 4 days trying to find a blog template that I liked, and gave up and just did my own. I'm still not happy with the link colors; but I'll worry about that later. I still haven't really decided just what I'm going to use this blog for. I know I'll mention my hamsters alot. We breed them, and this will be a great way to keep track of when babies are born, and when it's time to part with them. Right now we have 3 males: a panda bear hamster named Wee Fee, a short-hair brown hamster named Hammish McFatten, and a dwarf hamster named Stewie. We have 3 females: a panda bear named Chloe, an albino named Luna, and a girl hammy named Pinky that is half albino, and half dwarf. Luna and Chloe both have about 7-10 babies each right now. We're contemplating keeping a female from Chloe since the father of her babies is no longer with us; that way we don't have to keep the father from breeding with his daughter!