Sunday, December 30, 2007


Well here it is 3:42 a.m. and im still awake. I have to go back to work in about 3 days, after a 2 month break for medical leave, and i have got to get my sleep schedule figured out.

I've been playing with my husband's ipod, finally got it figured out, and I'm listening to the audiobook "Blaze" by Richard Bachman...or Stephen King if you prefer. I noticed a mistake. I certainly hope it was an intentional mistake, I can't beleive that the editor of the book would have let it slide by so easily.

He mentions that Blaze turns on the radio and Loretta Lynn was singing "Good girls gonna go bad". HELLO!?!?! That is a Tammy Wynette song. To my knowledge Loretta never recorded that song. I'm having a very hard time getting into this book. In fact right now they're talking about some guy named Clay and I have no idea who the hell that is. I may not even finish it.

Oh wait...they just said that Clay was Blaze...I'm back on top of things...I need sleep...