Monday, December 31, 2007


We took our latest batch of babies in to the pet store today, long with one of the mothers. We had 16 babies, which isn't even all that we started with.

My sister-in-law took 3 of the babies for her sons. She took 2 of the ones from Luna and Hammish's litter. One was grey, one was brown. And she took one from Jumba and Chloe's litter, which was a panda bear. Then my daughter kept one from Chloe and Jumba's litter and so did I. She kept a boy she named Chumpling and I kept a girl I named Scara.

The reason she is named Scara is because of Chloe. We got rid of Chloe too. Chloe has gotten to where she doesn't like other hamsters...even her own babies. She got out of her cage so we moved the babies in with the other hamsters. When we found Chloe a couple of hours later we put her in the big cage too...and she attacked Scara.

Now Scara has two big scars on her back and she no longer has her back left leg. She was the smallest of the litter too...poor little thing.

We ordered our female dwarf hamster today, hoping to breed her with Stewie for some dwarf babies. We are planning on naming the new girl Shipoopy.