Monday, December 31, 2007


We took our latest batch of babies in to the pet store today, long with one of the mothers. We had 16 babies, which isn't even all that we started with.

My sister-in-law took 3 of the babies for her sons. She took 2 of the ones from Luna and Hammish's litter. One was grey, one was brown. And she took one from Jumba and Chloe's litter, which was a panda bear. Then my daughter kept one from Chloe and Jumba's litter and so did I. She kept a boy she named Chumpling and I kept a girl I named Scara.

The reason she is named Scara is because of Chloe. We got rid of Chloe too. Chloe has gotten to where she doesn't like other hamsters...even her own babies. She got out of her cage so we moved the babies in with the other hamsters. When we found Chloe a couple of hours later we put her in the big cage too...and she attacked Scara.

Now Scara has two big scars on her back and she no longer has her back left leg. She was the smallest of the litter too...poor little thing.

We ordered our female dwarf hamster today, hoping to breed her with Stewie for some dwarf babies. We are planning on naming the new girl Shipoopy.

New Year New Products...

Well it's New Year's Eve and I'm doing what I always do...which is nothing! I get to go back to work on Wednesday after 2 months off for medical leave, and I am totally excited about it!

I have a new product that I've been working on. Poser 6 acted like a bitch with this one. Granted I'm no pro when it comes to P6, but I'm sure that a product isn't supposed to act the way that this one did. It continually added reflection maps and kept old colors even after I applied new mat pose files so I ended up having to use Poser 4.

The new product is 7 textures for Hongu's Schoolgirl2 for V4. It's called "Too Hot For Teacher".

Sunday, December 30, 2007


Well here it is 3:42 a.m. and im still awake. I have to go back to work in about 3 days, after a 2 month break for medical leave, and i have got to get my sleep schedule figured out.

I've been playing with my husband's ipod, finally got it figured out, and I'm listening to the audiobook "Blaze" by Richard Bachman...or Stephen King if you prefer. I noticed a mistake. I certainly hope it was an intentional mistake, I can't beleive that the editor of the book would have let it slide by so easily.

He mentions that Blaze turns on the radio and Loretta Lynn was singing "Good girls gonna go bad". HELLO!?!?! That is a Tammy Wynette song. To my knowledge Loretta never recorded that song. I'm having a very hard time getting into this book. In fact right now they're talking about some guy named Clay and I have no idea who the hell that is. I may not even finish it.

Oh wait...they just said that Clay was Blaze...I'm back on top of things...I need sleep...

Monday, December 24, 2007

Holy crap it snowed...

Boy did it ever! 2 to 4 inches...that is a ton of snow for where I live. This is the most snow I've seen in our valley in years! Guess my daughter gets that white christmas she wanted after all!


Well I did it...or rather Ann did it. I stopped in at DAZ the other day to check out their new PA chat. I met a lady named Ann, and she tried to walk me through how to set up the INJ file for my custom morph. Well...that didn't work so she called me up and got it working! Here's a quick peek at Cordelia for V4...thanks Ann!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Hidden Expedition Everest Hints...

Here is a list and screenshots of where you can find the bonus hidden items. There are 18 total and there isn't one in every room.

Amazon River: Purple Octopus

Witches Market: Top Hat

Chichen Itza Ruins: Rapier Sword

Paititi: Whale

El Dorado: Paintbrush

Munster: Pirate Flag

Natural History Museum: Pumpkin

Jailhouse: Flying Saucer

Alpine Village: Helmet

Pythagorean Society: Castle

Yakushima: Raven

Angkor Wat Interior: Bonnett

Hawaiki: Axe

Femur Island: Ship (at least I think that's what it is)

Shambala: Shoes

The Door To Everest: Beetle (who knew there was a door at the top of the mountain!?!)

The Altar: Bunny

Inner Temple: Compass

Happy Christmas To Me....

Oh my god...the spirit of christmas lives at Renderosity! Aery Soul has Alice in the marketplace again just until christmas day and then she's gone for good. I've been trying like mad to save up enough store credit to get her...even put my store on sale.

Someone I don't even know bought her for me! That's the nicest thing a total stranger has ever done for me! Merry Christmas to HeavyRay...whoever you are!

Thoroughly Irritated.....

I have been trying for weeks to figure out how to do an INJ pose file for a custom morph that I did and I am ready to start pulling out my hair! I have the INJ pose done...and when I click on it I can see where the morph has been injected...but NOTHING happens to her face. What the hell!?!?!

Friday, December 21, 2007 I changed...

I got pissed off at my layout because I couldn't get the links to change to a decent color. They were a god awful purple and nothing I did would change it. So I decided just to stick to a basic blogger layout for now. Christmas is just 4 days away. Looking very forward to that!! I can't wait to watch my daughter open her presents! That is the best part of christmas...watching her face. I'm getting my yearly christmas movies watched. All I have left is The Muppets Christmas Carol, It's a Wonderful Life, and A Christmas Story which I'm saving for christmas eve and TBS's 24 hours of A Christmas Story! My sister-in-law has decided to take 2 of our hamsters for a christmas gift for her sons. She's decided on 2 girls. She wants one of Luna's brown ones...which is good because the pale ones that look like little opposums will go over better in the pet store than the plain brown ones. We did a head count yesterday and Luna has 9 babies and Chloe has 13! Luna has 6 boys and 3 girls, we don't know what Chloe has yet because they can't be touched yet.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Mystery In London Hint... the newest hidden object game from BigFish Games is HARD!! However; the hardest part of the game is the clock mini-game. So I'm putting up a before and after image of that stupid clock that took me three days to figure out!

Here's BEFORE...

And here's AFTER...

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Our Hamsters...

So I've spent the last 4 days trying to find a blog template that I liked, and gave up and just did my own. I'm still not happy with the link colors; but I'll worry about that later. I still haven't really decided just what I'm going to use this blog for. I know I'll mention my hamsters alot. We breed them, and this will be a great way to keep track of when babies are born, and when it's time to part with them. Right now we have 3 males: a panda bear hamster named Wee Fee, a short-hair brown hamster named Hammish McFatten, and a dwarf hamster named Stewie. We have 3 females: a panda bear named Chloe, an albino named Luna, and a girl hammy named Pinky that is half albino, and half dwarf. Luna and Chloe both have about 7-10 babies each right now. We're contemplating keeping a female from Chloe since the father of her babies is no longer with us; that way we don't have to keep the father from breeding with his daughter!