Sunday, January 13, 2008

Isa for V4...

Here is a pic of the character I've been working on forever. She still has a ways to go, but we're getting there.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Not so much back to work...

Well my back to work didn't work out as planned. I am back on short term disability until next monday. Have another doctor's appointment on friday and hopefully he'll give me some sort of medication that will get me back in the swing of things. I really need to work. The std paychecks are shrinking each time...this paycheck I get a whole 200.00...gee hard not to spend that all in one place.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Back to work...

Went back to work today. It was nice to see everyone. I spent the first hour and a half reading up on things that have changed and my 1300 emails. Then I spent 3 hours doing compliance stuff that I missed for 4th quarter. Then I spent the last few hours sitting with Scott and Sara and listening to them take calls. Usually I hate doing that, but there were several things that I didn't learn about until they came up during a call.

Monday, December 31, 2007


We took our latest batch of babies in to the pet store today, long with one of the mothers. We had 16 babies, which isn't even all that we started with.

My sister-in-law took 3 of the babies for her sons. She took 2 of the ones from Luna and Hammish's litter. One was grey, one was brown. And she took one from Jumba and Chloe's litter, which was a panda bear. Then my daughter kept one from Chloe and Jumba's litter and so did I. She kept a boy she named Chumpling and I kept a girl I named Scara.

The reason she is named Scara is because of Chloe. We got rid of Chloe too. Chloe has gotten to where she doesn't like other hamsters...even her own babies. She got out of her cage so we moved the babies in with the other hamsters. When we found Chloe a couple of hours later we put her in the big cage too...and she attacked Scara.

Now Scara has two big scars on her back and she no longer has her back left leg. She was the smallest of the litter too...poor little thing.

We ordered our female dwarf hamster today, hoping to breed her with Stewie for some dwarf babies. We are planning on naming the new girl Shipoopy.

New Year New Products...

Well it's New Year's Eve and I'm doing what I always do...which is nothing! I get to go back to work on Wednesday after 2 months off for medical leave, and I am totally excited about it!

I have a new product that I've been working on. Poser 6 acted like a bitch with this one. Granted I'm no pro when it comes to P6, but I'm sure that a product isn't supposed to act the way that this one did. It continually added reflection maps and kept old colors even after I applied new mat pose files so I ended up having to use Poser 4.

The new product is 7 textures for Hongu's Schoolgirl2 for V4. It's called "Too Hot For Teacher".

Sunday, December 30, 2007


Well here it is 3:42 a.m. and im still awake. I have to go back to work in about 3 days, after a 2 month break for medical leave, and i have got to get my sleep schedule figured out.

I've been playing with my husband's ipod, finally got it figured out, and I'm listening to the audiobook "Blaze" by Richard Bachman...or Stephen King if you prefer. I noticed a mistake. I certainly hope it was an intentional mistake, I can't beleive that the editor of the book would have let it slide by so easily.

He mentions that Blaze turns on the radio and Loretta Lynn was singing "Good girls gonna go bad". HELLO!?!?! That is a Tammy Wynette song. To my knowledge Loretta never recorded that song. I'm having a very hard time getting into this book. In fact right now they're talking about some guy named Clay and I have no idea who the hell that is. I may not even finish it.

Oh wait...they just said that Clay was Blaze...I'm back on top of things...I need sleep...